Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Amanda Wants to Be

I want to be this girl when I grow up! Her name is Emily Bear and she is six or seven. She composed a song about her interpretation of the Northern Lights and it won an award! It is so beautiful!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Why do cartoons animals sometimes wear a shirt but no pants? I say, either do all the clothes or no clothes, otherwise they look like they are naked (like the bad dreams I sometimes have!)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Great Quote ; )

(Sometimes when I do that winky eye emoticon, I think that it kind of looks like me, with one Chinese eye and one white eye.)


"There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, June 26, 2009

Nurse was a Jerk

So I think that this is a pretty safe forum to get out my frustrations. I love, love, love my doctor. I've been going to her for less than a year, but I feel like she understands me. Plus, I have this paranoia that doctors think that I am really annoying and don't believe a word I say, but I don't feel that way with her. See, I've had tons of strange medical maladies in my lifetime, but, when I look over them, there is not one thing that I could have made up. (I cannot induce seizures, make my blood pressure high or influence my allergy test (where I reacted so badly that the nurse brought in other nurses just to gawk at my crazy, "Christmas tree" like bump pattern)).

Anyway, the only bad thing about my doctor's office is the nurse guy that works there. The last time I was there, last Friday, he talked down to me twice. The first time, he was all frustrated about why I was even there. The back story is, my GI doctor quit, and I really just wanted to talk to my regular doctor to get a little bit of a new plan in place and to get her opinion. He was going on about, "First you call and I get you an appointment with the GI guy, now you're coming here, blah, blah, blah." I said, "Yes, I went to that appointment." Then I tell him the new medicines that the GI doctor has me taking, because nurses like to know that stuff. And I said that I am supposed to be taking Zofran, but my insurance doesn't cover it, so I am not taking it regularly. He then goes on this tirade about how people are responsible for understanding their insurance policies on drug coverage, and "you should have read your manual from cover to cover so that you can be educated about this. There's nothing I can do about it, blah, blah, blah."

By this point, I am trying not to cry (because I am an all-occasion crier. I cry when I'm mad or embarrassed or upset). Such a jerk! (the nurse guy, not me for feeling like crying when a guy yells at me when I am feeling sick:)

Michael Jackson Musings

Just a couple (random) thoughts about Michael Jackson (of course they are random thoughts, you don't get anything else when it comes to me):

1. Every time I hear an old Michael Jackson song, it makes me think of Will Farrell because most of them have a lot of cowbell!

2. Sometimes his hip signature glove looks more like a bedazzled ove-glove

More Greatness

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Amanda Is Shocked

I can't believe that Michael Jackson is dead. His life was so sad, and it ended before he could redeem himself in the public eye. Even though his later years were filled with controversy, he truly had a huge impact on music. His songs, style, and dance shaped music in the 80's and his influence can still be seen in current pop music. He is a major legend and he will be missed. He will live on through his music.

Right now, youtube has blocked embedding most Michael Jackson videos. Go to the site and watch your favorite videos.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Funny Video

Try not to sing the news after watching this. "It's the smoke," has been in my head for the past two days!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Harley and Maggie Define (Disfunctional) Relationships

So you know already that I am kind of a crazy cat lady where I think of my pets as people with feelings and thoughts and all that, right? Well, last night, I was thinking about how Harley and Maggie's relationship mirrors that of men and women everywhere.

1. Maggie loves Harley.
2. Harley doesn't know that she exists.
3. Maggie has selective amnesia when it comes to remembering that Harley doesn't know that she exists.
4. Harley only acknowledges Maggie when he wants something, and will whine until she pays attention to him.
5. Maggie will do anything for Harley even if it involves emotional and/ or physical injury (i.e. 15 pound cat wrestling with a 7 pound cat can't feel good)
6. Harley only has eyes for one woman, and I am way out of his league!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Amanda Explains Chow Time

There is this miracle that happens and it is called "Chow Time." I was first introduced to this concept by my sister-in-law, Jess when we were in Alaska together. I first thought that she was talking about eating, because we always seemed to be eating when the topic came up, but Chow Time can happen anywhere you have a line. Basically the premise is this: anywhere a Chow goes, he or she can beat a rush of people 9 times out of 10. You know when you get in line at the BMV (this really just happened to me the other day!) and there is no one there. Two minutes later, you look behind you and there is a line out the door? This is Chow Time. When you are at a restaurant and there is a 10 minute wait when you walk in and then it grows to 45 minutes after you put your name in? Chow Time. I guess we have this innate sensibility when we can feel in our bones the very best time to go somewhere. It's probably evolution or something. So, if we ever get snippy with you because you are running late, or we really want to get somewhere NOW, it is because our inner Chow Time is kicking in.

Saturday, June 6, 2009