So I think that this is a pretty safe forum to get out my frustrations. I love, love, love my doctor. I've been going to her for less than a year, but I feel like she understands me. Plus, I have this paranoia that doctors think that I am really annoying and don't believe a word I say, but I don't feel that way with her. See, I've had tons of strange medical maladies in my lifetime, but, when I look over them, there is not one thing that I could have made up. (I cannot induce seizures, make my blood pressure high or influence my allergy test (where I reacted so badly that the nurse brought in other nurses just to gawk at my crazy, "Christmas tree" like bump pattern)).
Anyway, the only bad thing about my doctor's office is the nurse guy that works there. The last time I was there, last Friday, he talked down to me twice. The first time, he was all frustrated about why I was even there. The back story is, my GI doctor quit, and I really just wanted to talk to my regular doctor to get a little bit of a new plan in place and to get her opinion. He was going on about, "First you call and I get you an appointment with the GI guy, now you're coming here, blah, blah, blah." I said, "Yes, I went to that appointment." Then I tell him the new medicines that the GI doctor has me taking, because nurses like to know that stuff. And I said that I am supposed to be taking Zofran, but my insurance doesn't cover it, so I am not taking it regularly. He then goes on this tirade about how people are responsible for understanding their insurance policies on drug coverage, and "you should have read your manual from cover to cover so that you can be educated about this. There's nothing I can do about it, blah, blah, blah."
By this point, I am trying not to cry (because I am an all-occasion crier. I cry when I'm mad or embarrassed or upset). Such a jerk! (the nurse guy, not me for feeling like crying when a guy yells at me when I am feeling sick:)