Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Amanda Gives a Shout Out to Hospitals

I think that hospitals get a bad rap. Right now, crazy as it seems, I kind of miss being in the hospital. Who says that? Am I mentally ill? Here is how I look at the hospital; see if you agree that is a kind of nice place to be.

1.You have a bed that you can lay down in or sit up in.
2. You have a TV right above your head
3. You can fall asleep any time you want to.
4. You can push a button, and someone will bring you a Popsicle
5. If you feel strange, you push a button and tell a nurse and she will give you drugs to help you.
6. Every 8 hours or so you get to make a new friend when the new nurse comes on shift.

Now besides feeling like your stomach was flattened by a steamroller, wheeling your IV pole every where you go (and bumping it into every single object that comes within three feet of you), throwing up in a tiny pink plastic container, and having to measure your pee, does this not sound like a great place to be?

I'm serious; I miss it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about them, LOL. If you spend enough time in them you really begin to appreciate the bed and the call button that Brings Drugs.
