Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Amanda Talks About The Past Few Days of Her Trip

(Wednesday, December 31, 7:23 AM)

I haven't written for a few days but we have been very busy here in Taipei. Plus, one computer for six people makes personal internet time very scarce:)

On Monday, we some of the family went to the technology market area which is a few blocks crammed with technology stores and stands. Then we brought some dumpling back to the hotel for lunch. David did a good job of ordering everything without help including asking for soy sauce, vinegar, and chili oil. Then we ate and hung out in their room (1105).

On Monday night, we were invited to dinner by some friends from Grandpa's church. The family has three daughters about our age and they went to the same high school in Massachusetts as my dad. So we went to a Mongolian BBQ place. David and Andrew were very adventurous and tried several things including tiny octupus.

Tuesday, we went on a morning tour of the northern coast of Taiwan. Taipei is very far north on the island and so the trip was only about four hours. We went to visit a temple and a sea port first with great views from the hills. Then we went to a beach area where there are pretty rock formations including a formation that is called the "queen" and looks like Nefertiti (sp?). The sea was beautiful even though it was rainy and windy.

When we came home from the tour, the driver dropped us off at the Japanese mall called Sogo. At Sogo, there are these elevator attendants who call for a car, and bow while the doors to the elevator close. We went to the popular dumpling place that we missed out on the first day because of the long wait. The wait this time was supposed to be about 50 minutes but was actually shorter and worth the wait. Again, David did most of the ordering and did a great job.

Tuesday evening, we went to my grandma and grandpa's apartment to see my grandma (grandpa was at a meeting.) While she ate her dinner, we brought in some beef noodles and potstickers. Then we spent a long time singing to her. She doesn't talk, but she does love the singing and sometimes hums along or just moves her fingers along to the music. Very cute. And, of course, at the end of every song, she claps for us:)

After singing to grandma, the four kids went to the Shida night market. It was rainy and a bit cold, but still really fun. Andrew, Jess and David were very adventurous in trying various foods like chicken hearts and blood cake (yuck, since have to be careful right now in eating even everyday foods, I have the best excuse to bow out on that kind of stuff. Love to pull the surgery card!)

I have lots more to say, but my 30 minute session is running out (30 minutes for 30 NT which is about a dollar US:)

Tell you more soon!

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