Friday, July 31, 2009

Amanda at the Movies

I went to the movies today and thought about this skit. So funny. (Warning: Not for the kiddies:)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pet Peeve: Car sounds on the radio. Beeping, screeching tires, sounds of sirens. It should be illegal. I hear sounds of a collision and I get all anxious but it turns out to be only on the radio? Awful!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Amanda Is Not Sure

I just got back from visiting school, and I hate not knowing the time table for things. See, my school is adding three new sections and that means I lost my room. Instead of going class to class on a cart (Kodaly teachers would know that it is un-doable with the way we teach) I'm going to be in a non-existent room that is going to be built before school starts. (Construction hasn't begun by the way). Do you know how many nights I have bad dreams about this? What will the new room be like? Will there be space to do the dances and games I use to teach? The uncertainty is killing me!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I saw the strangest thing yesterday when I was driving on 315. It startled me so much (and made me so intent on creating conspiracy theories (yes, I'm Joel's daughter)) that I took the wrong exit.

As I was driving, I thought I saw a flash of white in the car to my right, like he had just stuck his hand out the sunroof. Then, a few seconds later, I saw him do it again, this time throwing something white out the top of his car. A few seconds after that? White tissues, he was throwing wads of tissues out of his sunroof. Well, I get over to the right because I need to exit soon, and there is one car in between me and the crazy- throwing tissues out the window man. All of a sudden, he throws out another wad of tissues. It bounces off the windshield of the car in front of me, sails back, and *plunk* smacks my windshield. Right in front of my face, a big wad of white tissues. Isn't that weird? First of all, this is not plain old littering. This is throwing things at the cars behind you. You've got to be a little unstable to do such a thing, right?

Amanda's Theories:
1. He was trying to spread the swine flu with infected balls of tissues.
2. He killed someone and was spreading the evidence in little pieces all over the freeway. (I mean, that tissue hunk hit with a real thud.)

(PS - my mom wants to state for the record that old people with oxygen tanks should not be driving slowly around town. Personally, I think this is ageism, or at least emphysema-ism:)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Why do people love butterflies so much? They are insects after all. I myself am totally freaked out by them. People write songs about butterflies. OK, so I get the whole metamorphosis symbolism, but would you listen to a song about mosquitoes? People get tattoos of butterflies. Would you get a tattoo of a water bug? (Ew, I'm grossing myself out just thinking about this.) We went to a butterfly house (against my strong protestations). Would you go to a cockroach house? "Yea, let's see if I can get this cockroach to land on me." Gross! These are insects people! I don't care how pretty their colors are. They have long, yucky, gross legs and are creepy. Just say no to butterflies.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Amanda Wonders if She is Old

So I've been wondering lately if I am getting old. I mean, I know that I am getting older. If your not getting older you are either dead or Benjamin Button. Here's why I've been wondering. I was at JC Penny and I kept on picking out these shirts that had large floral type prints on them, and I kept on thinking, "Is this really a pretty shirt, or do I just think it is a pretty shirt because I am becoming an old lady?" I was pretty distraught over my fashion sense that day.

Then, on the fourth, I was looking out my window at 1:00 AM because there were fireworks going off in the field across the street. I could see all these people running around and having a good time, and I just wished they would be quiet because they woke me up, and went back to bed. Hello! That is old fart territory!

But then, yesterday, I had this dream that aliens came to invade the earth and they were separating people into two categories: the young and the old. They wanted to suck the brains out of the young people and just wanted to blow up the old people, and guess what? I was considered a young person and they sucked my brains out. Ah! That made me feel better!

(Please don't think I'm too crazy:)