Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Amanda Wonders if She is Old

So I've been wondering lately if I am getting old. I mean, I know that I am getting older. If your not getting older you are either dead or Benjamin Button. Here's why I've been wondering. I was at JC Penny and I kept on picking out these shirts that had large floral type prints on them, and I kept on thinking, "Is this really a pretty shirt, or do I just think it is a pretty shirt because I am becoming an old lady?" I was pretty distraught over my fashion sense that day.

Then, on the fourth, I was looking out my window at 1:00 AM because there were fireworks going off in the field across the street. I could see all these people running around and having a good time, and I just wished they would be quiet because they woke me up, and went back to bed. Hello! That is old fart territory!

But then, yesterday, I had this dream that aliens came to invade the earth and they were separating people into two categories: the young and the old. They wanted to suck the brains out of the young people and just wanted to blow up the old people, and guess what? I was considered a young person and they sucked my brains out. Ah! That made me feel better!

(Please don't think I'm too crazy:)

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