Monday, January 11, 2010

I Need a Hobby

(this has nothing to do with this post other than the title of the thing: did you ever hear my story about the cahsier at Wal-Mart (excuse me, Wal-Marts) who looked at me when I was checking out of the store and said (and I quote) "you look like a lady in need of a hobby."!!!)

One of the many wonderful things about me, that you may not know, is that I tend to take pictures of my medical maladies and then show them to others. I think that this must be a by-product of living alone. I must feel the need to have some proof that this actually happened to me. For example, when I had the worst case of pink-eye ever? Took a picture (that is a lie, I actually took several just to give the time-elapse feel to the experience). Want to show people that two of my surgery scars look like little pink worms? You guessed it, take a picture and send it via text message.

Today, I found this patch of dry skin on my leg and I was telling my mom about it at rehearsal tonight. Then I said, "I took a picture," and for some reason that cracked her up. She had to hide her head in her music while she was laughing. At least she accepts that I am strange.

Moral of the story . . . I guess be cautious when you get a picture text from me. You never know what it might contain!

1 comment:

  1. I also realized after I wrote this that it may be the other way around. Instead of doing these things because I am lonely, maybe I am alone because I do these things!
