Sunday, January 17, 2010


Can I tell you two things that are completely random and unrelated (except for the fact that they are both, probably, extremely inappropriate and could cause me embarrassment?) Wow. That is a great teaser. What I really should do now is say, "Never mind," and you would be so intrigued and wonder at what I was about to say. But I'm much nicer than that.

1: My cats love paper. Any kind of paper at all, they love. Well, they have a special favorite. They love tampon wrappers. Not tampons, but the crinkly paper they come in. My cats will actually dig in the trash and take out all the tampon wrappers. Then they drag them all over the house so that I am constantly finding wrappers in the most bizarre places. This could lead to embarrassing moments, but, lucky for me and my tampon wrapper-loving cats, no one comes over to my house.

2: I get cold sores. They are painful and embarrassing; I hate them! Well, when we were at sweet adelines international competition in Nashville this fall, I felt one coming on. What a bummer; I was mad. Then, one of the ladies from my chorus, who is a nurse, told me of a natural remedy that is a sure thing: earwax. Yes, I thought the same thing, "Gross! You're telling me to put gunk from my ear onto my lips?" But, desperate times call for desperate measures and the last cold sore I had looked like I had a grape stuck under my lip, so I tried it. Guess, what? I completely worked! So, next time you feel one coming on, do the ear wax thing. Just don't tell anyone. (Unless you have a blog, in which case, it is OK).

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