Thursday, December 31, 2009

Like Candy from a Baby

One more thing, for now. Every year, the fifth graders have this graduation-type ceremony called fifth grade recognition. During this ceremony, the teachers compile lists of the kid's accomplishments. One of the things that always intrigues me is the one for reading. The kids keep track of how many pages they have read for the whole school year. Usually, the teachers list the top ten readers and how many pages they read. And every year, I am always sitting there thinking, "I wonder how many pages I read in a school year," and then I think, "I could totally beat that!" So this year, I decided to keep track of how many pages I am reading. I always like to keep track of the books I've read, especially when I start to get repeats and I don't even realize it!

So, being a wee bit competitive and obsessive, I am totally into this like it is a contest. Like it is going to be some great miracle if I read more in a school year than an 11 year old child.

Awesome! It worked!

I just had to tell you that it worked. I know that you know that because you read my last post, but I didn't know that, and so I am telling you so we can share in this warm happy feeling together.

Hey this is Cool!

Hi, I've been playing around with my new best friend, my laptop, during this break. I've had it for about a month, but I have been so busy that we haven't had time to really get to know each other! (This is so strange and random, but I am sitting here at my table in the great room area, and my neighbor is shoveling snow right on my porch! Awkward! Do I open the door, wave hello, ignore it? I am in my pajamas after all. Ignore is always my favorite option. Good, he's gone! I kind of feel like making a mad dash downstairs while I have the chance!)

Anyhoo, there is a blog option on my Word program. Did you know that? When it starts up, I say, "New document" and it asks if I want a document or blog post. So I choose "blog post" and now here I am! Technology is so nifty.

So, we'll have to see if this works. Commence test post now.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009