Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Amanda Finds A Lot to Say When She Doesn't Have Anything to Say

Hmm . . . I haven't written in a while because nothing is really new with me. Same old stuff, different day. I think that was in a Stephen King novel called Dreamcatcher. I loooove Stephen King novels.

I went to see the Lion King with my mom on Saturday. That was super cool. If you haven't seen it, the costuming and staging creativity is amazing. Great kid singers too:) I wish I could take all my kids to see it.

Also, Harley (the cat) is recovering from another bladder issue. This time, he was blocked, which is a deadly condition if not treated. I woke up early Saturday morning and saw him squatting in a corner like he was when he had his last bladder infection. I had just taken him in to the vet a few days before for his follow-up appointment. So, I called the vet as soon as they opened and got him in. I'm sure I seemed like a heartless mom because I was kind of shocked into silence when they told me that they would have to keep him for the weekend. I guess I couldn't deal (at least not at 9:00 on a Saturday morning!) So, he is back at home. I had to isolate him in the bathroom for a day because he is still "leaking" a little. Oh, I hated it! He finally gets home and I go and lock him up again. And if you never met Harley, he is very vocal. He cried and cried and I wanted to cry too:) (By the way, Harley "sings." He hums when he is contented and I swear that one time I was doing an analysis at my computer for my music classes and Harley was humming along with me in the same key! Either he got it from me, which would be amazing, or I was humming in his key, not so amazing, but either way, pretty funny that I would even realize that my cat and I were humming in the same key! I'm a dork!)


  1. one time, we started singing the same song at the same time in perfect harmony! remember that?

  2. YES!!! We should get together and sing with Harley and we could have the first trans-species trio!
