So, right now, I am struggling with patience. Do you ever just want to get something over with? That is so me right now. I try not to be the kind of person that just lives for the next exciting thing, and miss all the stuff in between. So I feel frustrated that I am so impatient now:)
When I was little, we sang this song in bible class called "Have Patience." It goes like this: (You have to sing it really slowly like you are turtle or a snail, because we all know how turtles and snails sing)
Have patience, have patience,
Don't be in such a hurry.
When you get impatient,
You only start to worry.
Remember, remember,
That God is patient too,
So think of all the times when others have to wait on you.
Was I the only one that sang that song? Just checking.
And I do know that lots of times, people have had to wait on me (if you have ever eaten a meal with me, you know what I am talking about!)
So, that is my job right now: to work on my patience. I believe that God works things out just the right way in just the right time, so why is it so hard to wait? Sometimes I think that God must get so tired of how thick-headed I am that I am always so surprised how things end up working out. Do you ever say, "Whoa, I did not see that one coming. God sure knows what he is doing."? That is me, except every time it happens, I am surprised like I have short-term memory loss or something!
Daily Deals for December 1
8 years ago
i sang that song, too!!