Friday, September 12, 2008

Amanda Uses the Internet to Post Details of Her Medical Examinations

Here is more in depth info. on my endoscopy yesterday: (because I am sure that all day you have been wishing to hear more about it).

If you know me, then you may know that I have some super-weird medical issues. If anything strange can happen to a person medically, it has probably happened to me (that is why my friend Julie calls me a freak). Usually these things don't amount to much or aren't very serious, so it just adds to my personality. For example, I am probably the only one that you know who (when having a bad bout of TMJ) can only get her jaw open by pushing on the left side and eats with one hand holding her fork and one hand holding her jaw in place!:)

Well, I am probably the only 27 year old that had an endoscopy yesterday at Doctors Hospital! I went in at 8:15 and registered (had to pay a $200 co-pay! What good is insurance anyway?!) Then they took me to a little endoscopy "unit" which had rooms divided off by curtains (like an ER). By 9:00 I had my IV, heart monitors and oxygen all hooked up and I was in the most freezing little examination room. They wheeled me there in my bed which I thought was pretty cool and kind of weird because my feet stuck out the end and I kept kicking the nurse.

By 10:15, I was heading out the door after sleeping off the sedation (about 20 minutes). It all seemed to go so fast that, at the time, I thought that I was a speedy recover-er. I was thinking, "Hey, they said that I would have to wait about 30 minutes after the test, and I only had to wait five!" Ha, I was sleeping through most of it!

People also told me that I wouldn't remember a thing, especially about the test, but I do remember feeling the tube moving around about three times and thinking, "Hey, people, I can feel this! I don't like it!" But then, two seconds later, I didn't really care, so I guess the drugs worked!

So that is the more detailed version of my endoscopy adventure. Now on to the ERCP which is like an endoscopy on steroids. The good news is, I don't have any reflux or ulcers and my gall bladder is perfectly healthy, the bad news is I don't have any reflux or ulcers and my gall bladder is perfectly healthy (all of those things are pretty easy to fix.)

What is wrong with me? Stay tuned to find out. (My life is like an intriguing episode of General Hospital!)

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