Friday, August 15, 2008

Amanda Likes Turkey

Yea! I ate dinner tonight. A real turkey and cheese sandwich (Tyler and Deb thank you very much for the idea). Yes, breakfast, lunch and dinner for me (the first time since fair food Friday, a week ago). Wow, I am really into my food these days. Or really NOT into it, depending on how you look at it.

Ahh, my last Friday of freedom. No wonder why I felt so teary today and cried watching a clip from So You Think You Can Dance and when Nastia and Phelps got their gold.

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1 comment:

  1. I love "So You Think You Can Dance"! Isn't it fun?

    I had to start back to work I think at the same time as you, from my maternity leave. Work is never fun after you've been off. :) (I'm writing this about a week after you posteed it.)
